What Are The Penalties Of Domestic Violence In Washington?
Domestic violence charges are taken very seriously in Washington State and the penalties are often severe. From steep fines to extensive sentences, domestic violence penalties
Domestic violence charges are taken very seriously in Washington State and the penalties are often severe. From steep fines to extensive sentences, domestic violence penalties
An unfortunately common misconception is the belief that you can talk your way out of trouble with the police. The reality is that you can’t.
Prostitution stings are a common fixture in the American news cycle. News reports and articles detail the tactics used by the police to catch sex
Members of the United States Military are held to stricter standards than typical civilians, and there is no exception when it comes to illicit substances.
Members of the United States Military hold a unique position. Those who enlist in the U.S. Armed Forces are held to a high moral standard.
Washington laws can be very harsh on individuals convicted of DUI. However, the state recognizes that certain offenders are also victims of drugs or alcohol
Throughout Washington, many local municipalities have a mental health court for those charged with various crimes. This court specifically handles cases for defendants who have